Tin học trẻ A - Vòng Khu vực miền Trung 2022

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  • nguyendepzai2k9 2:58 p.m. 10 Tháng 10, 2024

    def build_wall(N, K, stages):
    heights = [0] * N # Initialize all columns to height 0

    for stage in stages:
        Op, Left, Right, Height = stage
        if Op == 1:  # Adding bricks
            for i in range(Left, Right + 1):
                if heights[i] < Height:
                    heights[i] = Height
        elif Op == 2:  # Removing bricks
            for i in range(Left, Right + 1):
                if heights[i] > Height:
                    heights[i] = Height
    return heights

    Reading input

    N, K = map(int, input().split())
    stages = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(K)]

    Processing and getting the final heights

    final_heights = build_wall(N, K, stages)

    Outputting the result

    print(" ".join(map(str, final_heights)))

    • hdhieu13dana 1:35 p.m. 21 Tháng 8, 2024

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