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Suuuuuu Nô Wi (Ieu S 🐧👌🏻)
Giới thiệu
"In a world without love, death means nothing."
"Step aside, peasant. You are nothing compared to my queen."
"Look at me! There is nothing in my heart! I don’t feel pain any longer."
"I don’t feel pain, I don’t feel anything!"
"Somewhere inside of me? Take a good look, there’s nothing inside of me anymore"
"I will take, and take, until there is nothing left but her."
"It hurts, my heart. It hurts so much."
"We were beautiful once."
"Her eyes were portraits of a world without my cruelty."
"No price is too great. No atrocity beyond my reach. For her, I will do anything."
"She was the star that lit my path. Without her... darkness."
"She Was The Only Light In My Life."